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Level testing on arrival means
that we are able to place students
into groups from beginner
to proficient.

Ability Levels

Level testing on arrival means that we are able to place students into groups from beginner to proficiency.

Slide Beginner You have no English or rely on a
limited number of basic words and
phrases to convey simple meanings
and basic information.

Slide Elementary You can interact in a simple way,
ask and answer basic questions and
express opinions on very familiar topics.

Slide Pre-Intermediate You can participate in conversation
with some assistance and describe
and give opinions on everyday
things and events.

Slide Intermediate You can hold a conversation and express
your meaning in different situations.
You can describe events, experiences,
hopes, plans and ambitions.

Slide Upper-Intermediate You can have a fluent and natural
conversation with native speakers without
difficulty for either participant.

Slide Advanced You use an excellent range of language
and can communicate fluently and
naturally. You use language flexibly
and effectively.

Slide Proficient You can convey finer shades of
meaning precisely using a wide range of
language and selecting an appropriate
tone and style for the context. You can
express yourself at length with a
natural, effortless, unhesitating flow.